Street Art Advisory Group EOI

No longer on display. Expired on 12 June 2023, 11:59 PM

Benalla Street Art Advisory Group

EOI Nominations 2024-2027

The Benalla Rural City Council has resolved to appoint a Benalla Street Art Advisory Group (BSAAG) to facilitate the reinvigoration of the Benalla Street Art Festival.

Nominations are invited from interested community members for positions on the BSAAG.  Appointments are for a three year term.

The Advisory Group will be responsible for determining the scope, cost and programming of the Benalla Street Art Festival to be of an international standard, which cements Benalla as a world leader in public art in order to drive visitation and economic benefits.

The Benalla Street Art Advisory Group will consist of nine skills based members comprising:

  • Independent Chairperson
  • Four community representatives with skills in festivals and events, creative arts, community engagement, marketing, fundraising and governance
  • Two Councillors
  • Two Council Officers

The Advisory Group will meet monthly initially and more as needed.  They will be further supported by Council Officers with skills in administration, events, creative arts, tourism, business development, media, community engagement, governance, grants, planning, procurement.

Nomination forms for the Advisory Committee can be downloaded from

Nominations close Monday 12 June, 2023 at 5pm.  

For further information contact Manager Economic Development and Sustainability, Courtney Naughton on 03 5760 2600 or email