Russell Byrne and Diane Brosig - Molyullah Achievers of the Year


Russell moved from Melbourne to Molyullah in 2010 so he could be with his partner Diane Brosig. Diane has been a valuable member of the Molyullah community for many years.

Russell and Diane manage the family piggery and are active firefighters in the Molyullah Fire Brigade. They both continued the tradition of the Brosig family in sponsoring the well known Molyullah Easter Sports, the main money maker for the local community.

As President of the Molyullah Public Hall and Recreation Reserve Committee of Management, Russell set a focus on restoring most of the outbuildings on the Reserve. To facilitate this he introduced a Fish and Chip night for the local community to come together on the second Friday of the month (only interrupted by Covid), where he and Diane, rain, hail or shine cook up a storm!

A great night out catching up with old friends and a wonderful way of greeting newcomers to the area.

The popular pair have also been collaborative in helping organise other groups such as the Heritage group and Landcare groups initiate their projects around the area.