
VicSmart is a fast track planning process implemented by the State Government to allow local councils to consider and decide on minor planning applications in a faster way.

With the introduction of VicSmart two permit processes now apply in Victoria – the VicSmart planning permit process and the regular permit process.

Features of the VicSmart permit process include:

  • Applications are exempt from advertising
  • Applications are decided within 10 business days
  • Information that the Council is allowed to consider when granting or denying an application is now preset
  • The processing of applications has been simplified

VicSmart provides more certainty to applicants about the decision-making process and the level of assessment required for each application.

What applications are eligible for VicSmart?

VicSmart applications don’t require notice or referral (other than a Special Building Overlay application). If your application does not fall into any of the categories listed, it will be processed under the regular permit process:

The following minor application types are VicSmart applications:

  • Realign a boundary between two lots
  • Subdivide land into lots each containing an existing building or car parking space
  • Subdivide land with an approved development into two lots
  • Construct a building or works in a commercial or industrial zone (with an estimated cost of up to $50,000)
  • Construct a front fence in an overlay
  • Remove, destroy or lop one tree
  • Minor subdivision, minor buildings and works, painting or tree lopping in a Heritage Overlay
  • Minor subdivision or buildings and works in a Special Building Overlay
  • Display a sign in a commercial or industrial zone
  • Reduce a car parking requirement
  • Reduce or waive the loading and unloading requirements

Each of these VicSmart categories has criteria that must be met in order to be considered VicSmart applications.

Download a copy of the VicSmart form.(PDF, 2MB)

Visit the VicSmart website for more information about whether your application qualifies for VicSmart.

If your application needs to be referred to a ‘referral authority’, you must obtain consent from the referral authority before submitting your application.