Council Policies

Asset Management Policy 

The purpose of the Asset Management Policy(PDF, 196KB) is to set guidelines for implementing consistent asset management processes throughout the Benalla Rural City Council.


Chief Executive Officer Employment and Remuneration Policy 

The Chief Executive Officer Employment and Remuneration Policy(PDF, 196KB) is a legislative requirement of the Local Government Act 2020 and must provide the way in which the Council will:

▪   manage the recruitment and appointments of its Chief Executive Officer (CEO).

▪   agree on contract inclusions.

▪   monitor the CEO performance.


Child Safety and Wellbeing Policy 

Benalla Rural City Council commits to ensuring the safety and wellbeing of all children and young people.

The Child Safety and Wellbeing Policy(PDF, 463KB)  explains what Council must do to keep children safe from abuse and harm. It follows the laws and rules created to protect children and young people in Victoria including criminal law, the Child Safe Standards (the Standards) and the Reportable Conduct Scheme (the Scheme) and existing mandatory reporting (child protection) requirements.


Commemorative Memorials Guidelines Policy  

The Commemorative Memorials Guidelines Policy(PDF, 151KB) provides a guideline for the establishment and maintenance of commemorative memorials.


Community Engagement Policy

The Community Engagement Policy(PDF, 640KB) outlines our commitment to encouraging civic participation and identifying the needs of the community through the use of deliberative, effective and inclusive engagement practices. 


Complaints Handling Policy 

Benalla Rural City Council is committed to service excellence and recognises the customer’s right to make a complaint. The lessons learnt from complaint investigations give Council fundamental information about its services and will be used to directly inform service improvements.

The Complaints Handling Policy(PDF, 296KB) aims to ensure that customers can raise their complaints with Council easily and with confidence that Council will listen to their concerns, be responsive and handle their complaints fairly and objectively. 


Community Facilities Naming Guidelines Policy

The Community Facilities Naming Guidelines(PDF, 75KB)  provides a guideline for the naming of community facilities.


Councillor Code of Conduct  

The Councillor Code of Conduct incorporates the statutory requirements specified in the Local Government Act 2020.

The Code was adopted by resolution of the Benalla Rural City Council on 10 February 2021.

Councillors of Benalla Rural City are committed to working together in the best interests of the people within the municipality and to discharging responsibilities to the best of their skill and judgement. 


Councillor Resource and Reimbursement Policy  

The purpose of the Councillor Resources and Reimbursement Policy(PDF, 189KB) is to:

  • establish the basis upon which Councillors will be reimbursed for expenses in undertaking their role as a Councillor

  • establish support provided to Councillors for approved activities

  • establish levels of reimbursement which may be claimed by Councillors. 


Councillor Gift Policy 

The Councillor Gift Policy(PDF, 181KB) supports the Council to maintain public trust, good governance, integrity and open and accountable decision-making and establishes the way gift offers are to be treated so as to avoid potential, actual or perceived conflicts of interest.


Councillor and Staff Interaction Policy 

The purpose of the Councillor and Staff Interaction(PDF, 205KB) is to:

  • recognise the respective roles and responsibilities of Councillors and Council Staff, in particular the Chief Executive Officer (CEO), in accordance with the Councillor Code of Conduct and the Staff Code of Conduct

  • assist Councillors and Council Staff in respecting the roles and responsibilities of others in the organisation

  • maintain transparent decision making and governance arrangements

  • support compliance with the provisions of the Local Government Act 2020(Vic), in particular Part 6 Division 1 – Improper Conduct; and

  • recognise the responsibilities of the Council in ensuring that it meets the responsibilities of the Occupational Health and Safety Act 2004 and the Equal Opportunity Act 2010 to protect people from risks to their health and safety including harassment, bullying, violence and discrimination. 


Debt Management Policy 

The purpose of the Debt Management(PDF, 211KB) Policy is to

  • To ensure that the collection of debts is undertaken fairly, impartially, consistently, efficiently, effectively and in accordance with good governance;

  • To encourage any person, organisation or company having difficulty in paying an outstanding debt to contact Council and make arrangements for a payment plan to pay the debt in a reasonable and manageable timeframe; and

  • To ensure that the collection of debt is consistent with the Local Government Act and Regulations, Accounting Standards and recognised financial practices.


Election Period Policy  

The Election Period Policy has been developed to ensure transparency, good governance and accountability are adhered to by Councillors and officers so that general elections held for Benalla Rural City Council are conducted in a manner that is ethical, fair and equitable and are publicly perceived as such.

Election Period Policy 2020(PDF, 233KB)


Emergency Management Policy

The purpose of the Emergency Management Policy(PDF, 247KB) is to outline Councils’ responsibilities with respect to the emergency management services which are provided to the community. 


Facility Hire Subsidy Program Policy  

The Facility Hire Subsidy Program Policy(PDF, 193KB) provides guidance in the application of the Schedule of Fees and Charges for the use of Council owned and operated facilities for Council Officers who directly manage Council facilities and for Committees of Management, appointed by the Council, that receive maintenance funding and that are operating in accordance with funding agreements.


Fair Access Policy 

The Fair Access Policy(PDF, 363KB) seeks to address known barriers experienced by women and girls in accessing and using community sports infrastructure. The Policy aims to progressively build capacity and capabilities of Benalla Rural City Council in the identification, and elimination of systemic causes of gender inequality in policy, programs, communications, and delivery of services in relation to community sports infrastructure. Benalla Rural City Council will undertake take the necessary and proportionate steps towards implementation of the Fair Access Policy.


Financial Hardship Policy

The purpose of the Financial Hardship Policy(PDF, 191KB) is to define Council’s Policy for matters of financial hardship in regards to rates and other debts.

The policy aims to provide ratepayers with a clear and transparent understanding of options and assistance available if experiencing financial hardship.


Fraud Prevention Policy  

The purpose of the Fraud Prevention Policy(PDF, 138KB) is to give clear notice to persons within and outside Council that fraud against Benalla Rural City Council will not be tolerated and will be dealt with to the maximum extent of the law.

It is the objective of Council to provide a broad framework for establishment of an effective fraud prevention program across Benalla Rural City Council.


Information Privacy Policy

Council must protect the personal information we collect and ensure we manage it. This includes the way we collect, store, access, disclose and destroy information.

We will manage information under these Acts (Acts):

  • Privacy and Data Protection Act 2014 (Vic)

  • Health Records Act 2001 (Vic)

The Information Privacy Policy(PDF, 173KB) explains how we apply these laws across Council’s activities. It also explains how we manage your personal information.

You can gain access to your personal information and correct inaccuracies. It is your right to complain about any possible breaches of the Acts. 


Investment Policy  

To exercise the power to invest available funds at the most favourable rate of interest available at the time, with consideration to the preservation of capital, credit risk and liquidity:

  • Preservation of capital is the principal objective of the Investment Policy.(PDF, 201KB)  

  • Credit risk will be considered before making any investment.

  • Sufficient liquidity is to be maintained to meet anticipated commitments.


Media Policy 

The purpose of the Media Policy(PDF, 145KB) is to ensure that Council maintains a consistent approach to managing with its interaction with traditional media. Interaction with social media is addressed in the Social Media Protocol.

This Protocol is to ensure the views, facts and policies of Council are communicated in a timely, accurate and appropriate way and that this activity reinforces the Council’s reputation as a decisive and responsible governing body.


Memorials Siting – Specific Location Issues

The purpose of the Memorials Siting Policy(PDF, 174KB) is to provide information related to siting of memorials at specific locations not provided within each guideline area. 


Parking Management Policy

The purpose of the Parking Management Policy(PDF, 280KB)  is to state principles and procedures Council will follow in order to approve parking measures.

With increasing demand for parking, this document seeks to ensure the maximum utilisation of parking spaces at all times. 


Permit Fee for Community Works Policy

Council considers requests for variances or waiving of fees in cases where:

  • A major development will result in significant economic and social benefits to the community

  • A proposal will have local benefits and is being undertaken by local community groups

  • Individuals are experiencing financial hardship. 

Permit Fee for Community Works Policy(PDF, 215KB)

Permit Fee Waiver for Community Request Form(PDF, 219KB)


Procurement Policy

The purpose of the Procurement Policy(PDF, 324KB)  is to:

  • Provide guidance, consistency and control over procurement activities

  • Demonstrate accountability to rate payers

  • Ensure compliance with legislation

  • Provide guidance on ethical behaviour in purchasing

  • Ensure openness and transparency of the decision-making process. 


Public Interest Disclosures Policy and Procedure

The Public Interest Disclosures Act 2012 protects people who make disclosures about improper conduct in the public sector or from detrimental action taken in reprisal for a previous disclosure.

The Public Interest Disclosures Policy and Procedure(PDF, 202KB) ensures the Council is fully compliant with its obligations under the PID Act and the Independent Broad-based Anti-corruption Commission Act 2011.


Public Transparency Policy

The Public Transparency Policy(PDF, 188KB) commits the Council to transparency in its decision-making processes.

It describes what information is available to the public and how to obtain it. Council is required to have a Public Transparency Policy under the Local Government Act 2020


Professional Development for Councillors Policy 

The Professional Development for Councillors Policy(PDF, 152KB) encourages councillors to avail themselves of opportunities to attend appropriate professional development courses and conferences and seminars which may be of benefit to the individual Councillor and/or Council as a whole.

The policy also acknowledges the obligation of councillors to be properly informed on all matters pertaining to Council and to assist in this education process, councillors are encouraged to attend professional development courses and conferences and seminars with relevance to local government. 


Recording of Council Meetings Policy 

The Recording of Council Meetings Policy(PDF, 225KB) specifies the arrangements in regard to appropriate creation, storage, usage, access and disposal in accordance with legislative requirements for audio recordings of Ordinary and Special Council Meetings and meetings of Special Committees of the Council.


Regulatory Compliance and Enforcement Policy

Benalla Rural City Council has the responsibility for the administration and enforcement of various Acts, Regulations, Planning Scheme and Local Laws which means it is responsible for processing of permits and ensuring conditions are complied with, potential breaches are investigated and non-compliance is prosecuted.

The Regulatory Compliance and Enforcement.(PDF, 381KB) provides a system for resolving conflict and where the community can expect that the Council will act to ensure their amenity is protected and that the rules will be applied equally. 


Roadside Fatality Memorial Guidelines

The Roadside Fatality Memorial Guidelines(PDF, 160KB) provides a guideline for the establishment and maintenance of roadside fatality memorials.


Social Media Policy

The Social Media Policy(PDF, 154KB) ensures Council maintains a consistent and appropriate approach to managing its social media communications for the purpose of conducting Council business.

This is to ensure that views, policies and information are communicated in a timely, accurate and appropriate way that reinforces the Council’s reputation as a decisive and responsible governing body. 


Statutory Planning Permit Application Notification Policy

The Statutory Planning Permit Application Notification Policy(PDF, 208KB) provides:

  • guidance to Council officers of what is considered to be the appropriate amount of notification required for Planning Permit Applications

  • consistency in the type of notification required for specific types of land uses. 


Strategic Planning Amendment Notification Policy 

The Strategic Planning Amendment Notification Policy(PDF, 122KB) provides:

  • guidance to Council Officers of what is considered to be the minimal amount of notification required for Planning Scheme amendments

  • Consistency in the type of notification required for Planning Scheme amendments. 


Waste Services Policy

The Waste Services(PDF, 4MB) details the waste management services that the Council offers to residents, businesses and other groups in the community.