Cr Gail O'Brien



Councillor O'Brien represents Council on the following Committees:

  • CEO Performance Review Advisory Committee
  • Live4Life Partnership Group
  • Accessibility Reference Group
  • Health and Wellbeing Partnership Group
  • Benalla Street Art Festival Advisory Committee
  • Australia Day Advisory Committee
  • Churchill Reserve Committee of Management Incorporated




Why did you nominate for election to the Council?

I had been thinking about this for some time. I felt the time was right for me to contribute and commit to the important role of being a Councillor for my community.

What is your vision for Benalla?

I would like Benalla Rural City to be a prosperous, vibrant, progressive and positive community. A community that is inclusive with a long term strategic plan for a sustainable future. A city that embraces change and continues to value its rich heritage both in town and in our rural communities.

What local issues are you especially interested in?

Mental health and wellbeing. Long term strategic planning for a sustainable future Innovative waste management Progressing Benalla as a regional arts, events and cultural centre.

What you would like Council to achieve in the next 4 years?

Business and community revitalisation post Covid More community green spaces Greater attention to infrastructure for our rural communities Significant progress on the lake redevelopment including the gallery and the historical museum Progress on the revitalisation of the migrant camp.

Your background - work experience, career, family, children, hobbies?

I am a retired community palliative care nurse During my long career I worked in a variety of areas in both the public and private healthcare systems. I also worked in Canada & the USA I live on a farm with my husband in Stewarton Our daughter & 2 grandchildren live locally.

Best method for residents and the community to contact you?

By phone 0438 783 771 or email