Devenish Makers Market - 2022 Community Group of the Year

Devenish Makers Market - Community Group 2022

In April 2021 the first Devenish Makers Market was held in the township of Devenish, attracting a number of stallholders, community members and visitors.

The market was established by a band of four community minded individuals who had the foresight to create something where the community could come together, socially engage and raise funds.

By July 2021 the size, and interest in the market had grown considerably and it was moved to the Devenish sports ground. Despite Covid restrictions forcing cancellation of the September market, it came back stronger than ever and is now held one Sunday every month. The market provides an opportunity for the Devenish community to come alive, bringing visitors to the township and providing a welcoming space for people to connect, relax and catch up over a coffee or light lunch.

Profits made go back to community projects while also breathing new life into the sports ground and reigniting the use and maintenance of a valued community facility.

Social connection is very important to the community after the challenges of the pandemic. The market has enabled the elderly, neighbours, families and visitors to the community to come together and reconnect.

When the market is on, many visitors that come to view the Devenish silo art, wander down to the sports ground, visit the market, chat to a local and experience the genuine warmth, country hospitality and characters of the Devenish community.